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118 Physics Quiz Questions Answers – Learn about Physics

118 Physics Quiz Questions Answers – Learn about Physics

Physics Quiz Questions Answers


History of Physics Quiz Questions – Physics Questions 1-30

Department of Physics harvard University


1) Who was the first pre-Socratic philosopher to suggest that matter could neither be created nor destroyed?
Answer: Parmenides.


2) In 1729 AD, Pieter Van Musschenbroek used the term ‘PHYSICS’ for the first time. What was the subject called so far?
Answer: Natural philosophy.


3) Which Greek philosopher suggested that the material world was composed of four basic elements – air, water, fire and earth?
Answer: Empedocles.


4) Who in 1231 was the first to describe the science of optics?
Answer: Robert Grosseteste.


5) Who was burnt to death for suggesting that the sun might be an ordinary star?
Answer: Giordano Bruno.


6) Who in 1643 was the first person to create vacuum above the liquid?
Answer: Evangelista Torricelli.


7) Who in 1786 invented the gold leaf electro scope?
Answer: Abraham Bennet.


8) Who encouraged Newton to write his idea for principia?
Answer: Edmund Halley.


9) Who in 1808 discovered polarization of light and introduced the term ‘Polarization’?
Answer: Etienne-Louis Malus.


10) The first scientist to apply scientific reasoning to cosmology was Rene Descartes. What was his theory called?
Answer: Vortex Theory.


11) In which year did Otto Von Guericke demonstrate his famous Magdeburg experiment dealing vacuum?
Answer: 1672.


12) Who was the first to attack Newton’s Corpuscular theory of light?
Answer: Thomas Young.


13) Who was the first person to design models of flying machine?
Answer: Leonardo da Vinci.


14) Who in 1749 developed a method for making an artificial magnet?
Answer: John canton.


15) Hydrodynamica gave explanation of Bernoulli’s theorem in 1738. Who was the first to suggest this theorem?
Answer: Daniel Bernoulli.


16) Who invented Leyden jar?
Answer: Pieter Van Musschenbroek and  Ewald Georg von Kleist.


17) Which famous Danish physicist in 1675 measured the speed of light?
Answer: Romer.


18) What did Sir William Herschel discover in 1800?
Answer: Infra-red radiation.


19) In which year did G.S. Ohm formulate Ohm’s law?
Answer: 1827.


20) In which year did A. Michelson and E. Morley conduct their experiment to verify the existence of ether?
Answer: 1887.


21) Who in 1939 suggested the name meson for middle-weight particles?
Answer: Homi J. Bhabha.


22) What is the importance of 2nd December 1942?
Answer: The creation of the first controlled chain reaction.


23) Which philosopher conjectured that if the moon did not move, it would fall upon the earth?
Answer: Anaxagoras.


24) Who said, “A bird is an instrument working according to the mathematical laws”?
Answer: Leonardo da Vinci.


25) Who said, “All falling bodies, irrespective of their size, descend at the same speed”?
Answer: Galileo Galilei.


26) Which Austrian physicist developed the philosophy that all knowledge is simply sensation?
Answer: Ernest Mach.


27) Who contemplated “A freely floating magnet orients itself in the north-south direction?
Answer: Robert Norman.


28) Who gave the idea “Electricity flows through space from heated metal”?
Answer: Thomas Alva Edison.


29) “Moving particles have wave characteristics.” Who proposed the idea first?
Answer: Victor de Broglie.


30) Who suggested that light is made up of packets of energy known as protons?
Answer: Albert Einstein.


Physics  Quiz Questions Atomic Structure – Physics Questions 31-60

Physics Placement Test


31) Who first gave the concept of ‘Atom’?
Answer: Kanada.


32) How many times is the proton heavier than the electron?
Answer: 1836 times.


33) What is AMU?
Answer: It is the unit of atomic mass.


34) The energy released from the sun and the other stars is due to what?
Answer: Nuclear fusion.


35) The force that tends to make a nucleus fly apart?
Answer: Electrostatic repulsion.


36) Which force is responsible to keep the atomic nuclei together?
Answer: Nuclear force only.


37) How do the electrons move according to the Rutherford model of the atom?
Answer: Electrons orbit the positively charged nuclei.


38) What does the phenomenon of photo-electric emission establish?
Answer: The quantum nature of light.


39) When does the emission of energy take place?
Answer: An electron jumps from the higher orbit to the lower orbit.


40) What did Rutherford’s gold foil experiment prove?
Answer: Positively charged protons are contained in the nucleus of the atom.


41) What are Alpha particles?
Answer: Helium nucleus.


42) How does Alpha, Beta and Gama radiations come out of a radioactive substance?
Answer: spontaneously.


43) Where is installed the most powerful accelerator, the atom smasher?
Answer: Illinois, USA.


44) Where in India is cyclotron, the particle accelerator machine installed?
Answer: Kolkata.


45) X-rays consists of what?
Answer: Electromagnetic radiations.


46) What are cosmic rays?
Answer: High energy particles.


47) Who discovered positron?
Answer: Anderson.


48) What is ratio of the frequencies of the long wavelength limits of the Hyman and Balmer series of hydrogen?
Answer: 5:27


49) What is called the law of equivalence of mass and energy?
Answer: Einstein’s law.


50) What is known as, no two fermions can exist in identical quantum states?
Answer: Pauli Exclusion Principle.


51) What is called the Weinberg and Salam theory unifying electromagnetic forces and weak nuclear interaction?
Answer: Electroweak theory.


52) What is the name of the hypothetical theory that would unify all the fundamental forces of nature?
Answer: super grand unified theory.


53) What is called exchange of energy between one particles and an electromagnetic wave?
Answer: Interaction.


54) What does Frank-Hertz experiment establish?
Answer: The Frank-Hertz experiment establish that there are discrete energy levels in atoms.


55) In which regions of the spectrum, Hyman and balmer series lie?
Answer: They lie in ultraviolet and visible regions respectively.


56) In which regions of the spectrum, the Paschen series lies?
Answer: In ultraviolet and infra-red.


57) Who gave principle that “any given quantum orbit in an atom can be occupied by no more than two electrons”?
Answer: Pauli.


58) Who introduced the concept of electron spin?
Answer: Uhlenbeck and Goudsmit.


59) In which form is energy radiated from a source?
Answer: Photons.


60) What must we consider to explain fine structure of the spectrum of hydrogen atom?
Answer: Spin angular momentum.


Physics Quiz Questions Uses of Measuring and Other Instruments – Physics Questions 61-88

61) What is the use of Altimeter?
Answer: To measure the altitude.


62) What is the use of Ammeter?
Answer: To measure the flow of electric current.


63) What is the use of Anemometer?
Answer: To measure the speed or force of the wind.


64) What is the use of electroscope?
Answer: To measure the electrostatic charge.


65) What is the use of Calorimeter?
Answer: To measure the amount of heat.


66) What is the use of Speedometer?
Answer: To indicate the speed of a vehicle.


67) What is the use of Rectifier?
Answer: It is an apparatus for condensing a hot vapor to a liquid in distillation.


68) What is the use of Gyroscope?
Answer: To illustrate dynamics of rotating bodies.


69) What is the use of Barometer?
Answer: To measure the atmospheric pressure.


70) What the use of Fathometer?
Answer: To measure the depth of water.


71) What is the use of Periscope?
Answer: To observe objects on the surface from the submarine.


72) What is the purpose of Mariner’s compass?
Answer: To find the direction of the ship in the sea.


73) What is the use of Stereoscope?
Answer: To see the photos taken by two cameras placed at two different angles.


74) What is the use of Callipers?
Answer: To measure the internal and external diameter of a tube.


75) What is the purpose of a Geiger counter?
Answer: To detect and count nuclear particles and radiation.


76) What is the use of Cardiograph?
Answer: It is an instrument to record the beats of heart.


77) What is the use of Audiometer?
Answer: To measure the intensity of sound.


78) What is the use of Saccharometer?
Answer: To determine the sugar concentration in a liquid.


79) What is the use of Photometer?
Answer: To measure the intensity of light.


80) What is the use of Hygrometer?
Answer: To measure the humidity of atmosphere.



81) What is the use of Crescograph?
Answer: To measure the growth of plants.


82) What is meant by Bean fort scale?
Answer: To measure the scale of wind velocity.


83) What is the use of Galvanometer?
Answer: To measure electric currents.


84) What is the use of Epidiascope?
Answer: To project slides and opaque objects like graphs maps etc. on screen.


85) What is the use of Gravimeter?
Answer: To measure the quantity of oil under water.


86) What is the use of Odometer?
Answer: To measure the distance covered by a vehicle.


87) What is the use of Microscope?
Answer: To magnify tiny objects.


88) What is the use of Microphone?
Answer: A device used in sound reproduction systems for converting sound in to electrical energy.


Physics Quiz Questions Work Power and Energy – Physics Questions 89-118


89) What do you mean by the rate of work done?
Answer: Power.


90) What is the collision when two bodies stick together after the collision?
Answer: Inelastic.


91) What do you mean by the third order of levers?
Answer: The effort is in between the resistance and the fulcrum.


92) What changes is done by a dynamo?
Answer: Mechanical energy is converted in to electrical energy.


93) Which is the main source of energy to earth?
Answer: Sun.


94) If velocity of a moving body is made 3 times, what happens to its kinetic energy?
Answer: K. E will increase 9 times.


95) Write an example of a third order of lever.
Answer: Forceps, ice tongs, hook and rod.


96) Write an example of second order.
Answer: Nut cracker.


97) What is the unit of work in the C.G.S system?
Answer: Erg.


98) By what type of force the work is done when a body falls freely?
Answer: Gravitational force.



99) What is equal to one watt?
Answer: One joule/second.


100) One H.P is equal to what?
Answer: 746 Watts.


101) What is called the capacity to do work?
Answer: Energy.


102) What is called the energy possessed by a body because of its velocity?
Answer: Kinetic energy.


103) What is called the energy possessed by a body because of its position?
Answer: Potential.


104) What does the kinetic energy of a body depend on-horseback?
Answer: It depends on its mass and velocity.


105) What happens when the height of a body from the ground is doubled?
Answer: Potential energy is also doubled.


106) What is the P.E of a body on the ground?
Answer: Zero.


107) In the interior of the sun, which reaction takes place?
Answer: Nuclear fusion.


108) In the sun, which is converted in to energy?
Answer: Matter.



109) In the core of the sun, hydrogen nuclei fuse together to form which nuclei?
Answer: Helium.


110) What is called a device which reduces human effort?
Answer: Machine.


111) What is called the rigid code that can rotate about a fixe point, fulcrum?
Answer: Lever.


112) What is called the force overcome by a lever?
Answer: Resistance.


113) In the first order of levers, what is between the resistance and the effort?
Answer: Fulcrum.


114) What is called the ratio of the resistance to the effort when they balance each other?
Answer: Mechanical advantage of a simple machine.


115) What is called the perpendicular distance from effort to fulcrum?
Answer: Effort arm.


116) Write an example of second order of levers?
Answer: Lime squeezer.


117) Write some example of the first order levers?
Answer: Balance, scissors, spanner.


118) State the law of conservation of energy.
Answer: Energy can neither be created nor destroyed.


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Written by Admin

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